Creating Artwork for Emotion

From her studio in a remote cold war airbase in Suffolk, artist Abi Fawcus examines photographs of landscapes -  snapshots of nature that her mind's eye transforms into mental impressions to stimulate imagination, abstract memory and a compelling sense of place.

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What is Graphic Design exactly?

Design is big, it is talked about more than ever before and we are always hearing about design thinking, user experience design, visual design, information design, product design, interface design, interaction design. We hear about how big business are bringing in holistic design to improve every aspect of their business and drive sales - but what about good old fashioned Graphic Design?

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Preparing for a new project

Pre-project preparation can help you hit the ground running and creates a chance to collect and digest some of your thoughts about the project to be undertaken and therefore influence the design briefing.

Any user research such as customer surveying, focus groups or online research looking at your competitors and your analytics data can help form a better understanding also influencing the design stage. Adding depth and perspective to what we ‘think’ we know into what we ‘actually’ know.

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Design Briefing Workshop for Small Businesses

Design theory underpins creative work that is carried by exposing the context of what the project is to achieve and understanding the brand and values of the business involved.


Finding out what makes a person get out of bed in the morning - the driving force behind any business is an insight into what the web or graphics project hinges on. If my reason is to sell the most products I possibly can this will have a different outlook than if my reason is to sell the best product there is.

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Becoming me

A step by step guide to creating my brand.

step 1. What name

Is a name important? I think the importance is in what it stands for, the birth of something that is yours and holds the key to your future. It’s a cross between naming your child and a pet; it has to feel comfortable to you, it has to suit them, it needs to resonate, be fit for purpose and place. It’s good to remember as well that you’ll be answering the phone with that name a considerable amount of times a day - so choose wisely.

Business names usually fall into 3 categories:

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