If I can share my experiences to educate, support inform or entertain them I am happy to do so, previously speaking across panels, conferences, schools and business events if you have a speaking opportunity you would like to discuss with me please get in touch.
A selection of talks and subjects

- Jobs in Tech (STEM) - Woodbridge School, Suffolk
- Being a designer - Suffolk One College
- Abstract Landscapes - Reasons to be Creative Conference
- Jobs in Tech (STEM) - Ormiston Denes Academy
- The Different sizes of Success - Ladies that UX
- Hire me I'm a Mum - Reasons to be Creative Conference
- The importance of Copy - UEA, Suffolk
- The Mona Lisa it ain't - Chamber of Commerce, Women in Business
- The Impact of Content Styling - Marketing Workshop Event
- What is Design - Tiffin Talks
- Understanding your customers & getting more from your Website - Estate Agent Conference
- Podcasts
Latest Talks
In Part One went through the different types of AI available to us, so how do we not only prepare but show our clients and customers we are a forward thinking, future embracing business?
And how it’s not that bad for small businesses.
First of all let’s understand why we are being asked to do this large bit or red tape. To be honest, the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal couldn’t have come at a more opportune time to show why we need to understand the power of data — our own and other people's personal details — and the benefits of setting regulation to keep them safe. Of course no one wants their data to have been used in that scandal, we feel violated… but awakening us all to this new data currency is no bad thing.
Or, Artificial Intelligence for Small Businesses
AI or Artificial Intelligence is everywhere; all over the news, the papers, social media, whatever our information gathering platform of choice it is there.Within my industry mainly excitement, outside mainly fear, but there is one thing for certain it is coming. So how do we not only prepare but show our clients and customers we are a forward thinking, future embracing business?
We don't often put refugees and technology together, but maybe we should. Technology has got the power to transform the life of a refugee and in the more way than just one. It isn't facebook, twitter or snapchat that comes to the mind of a displaced person when they hear 'mobile phone', but a slither of hope and survival.
At New Year I started reminiscing, as you do, about the past and at what stage I had been the most happy. But as I thought I realised that actually it was now. When we are young success is defined by wealth and status. How much money we have, how famous we are.....
What it is like to have worked in the tech industry over the last 20 years as a woman?
There was never any difference between me and my co-workers, I felt one of the team and as far as I am aware I was paid the going junior salary. Sadly this wasn’t so for those further removed from me, I did get harassment, put downs and plain right ignored but it was always from the older generation...
AIDA has been around in advertising since before little web was born. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. And it has lost none of its relevance now, in fact it has been given new life with the hard job of attracting people’s attention in the noisy, busy World Wide Web.
You guys know the merits of digital art, but back in Suffolk in the Dark ages of 2019 it was akin to blasphemy. All the same, my light-bulb moment came courtesy of PC World, when, late one December armed with my linux drive full of holiday snaps, I went down to transfer the files to my PC laptop. But £50 and one phone call later I was informed that they couldn’t transfer the files and that my hard drive was corrupted - this was worse than when Boots slapped 'Warning!' Stickers on my artful portraiture!...
In this article, Abi talks about getting a job in the tech-industry. Firstly looking at the history of the web and why copy-writing, copy-editing and content creation has become so pivotal, she then focuses on the most important skills you need as a writer to make you stand out from crowd. Take a look and discover what it takes...
To deliver effective results, your website must offer an engaging and dynamic user experience.