The world we live in right now develops so fast that we’ve completely changed the way we work and live in just a matter of a few years.
Read MoreThe Small Business Guide to AI (Part 2)
In Part One went through the different types of AI available to us, so how do we not only prepare but show our clients and customers we are a forward thinking, future embracing business?
Read MoreLet's have a shout out for the Agency Designer
Is it me or is the In house designer having their day? With the rise of digital products and services what may previously have been one designer in a corner of a large business asked to do everything from Internal information posters to ‘the website’ and a sudden last minute ad. Has turned into the ‘best place to work’ ...
Read MoreAbi's Art Gallery
Minecraft Art
At my last exhibition a mother and her son came into the show to have a look around, the boy spotted one of my block prints and with huge excitement told his mother it was ‘Minecraft Art’ and that they must buy it… and they did.
Do I like Minecraft? Do I like any online game, do I wish my children were sewing, making, running and creating their games like Swallows and Amazons in the great outdoors.....
Read MoreDesign Thinking, Disruptive Innovation and Accelerated Mobile Pages
I often attend industry events - as a freelancer it is a good opportunity to chew the cud with other designers, developers and UX specialists and keep abreast of our fast paced world.
Read MoreWhat are Progressive Web Apps?
It may be a buzz word you have started to hear and a couple of my clients have started to ask about them so I thought I would write a short synopsis to these new trending terms.
Read MoreHow do you find the right website designer?
What to look for when hiring a freelance web designer or freelance graphic designer. A freelance web designer or a freelance graphic designer is a design trained and skilled person who works for themselves and can be hired on their own to work directly for you. This means that they work for many different client's instead of for one company or agency who in turn works for many different clients. In that respect they are like a small one man business, or sole trader. Some freelancers may work in a team of freelancers making sure they cover a far reaching set of skills.
Read MoreLet’s make art with all this data
I work in web, I collect data, lots of it, for all sorts of different clients for all sorts of different reasons.This data is taken away to be injected, inspected, detected, infected, neglected and selected! (thanks Arlo), and spat back out in the form of ‘Something I May Like’ - and here's my moral conundrum....
Read MoreWhy I want robots to push my buttons
So this isn't new, in fact - as a lot of technology first starts - it was foreseen in science fiction literature decades ago. We don't talk to each other by seeing colours and pressing buttons, and as computers - or robots - become more intelligent it begs to reason why we wouldn't talk to them in the same way as we talk to each other....
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