Hosted by Banditto Art, The Banditto Residency Program is a celebration of excellence in art from across the globe.
Every quarter, we offer artists from all over the world the opportunity to join us for a ten day residency in our gallery situated in Tuscany, Italy. In our Galleria in Montefollonico the artist has the exclusive opportunity to let their creative juices flow in the most picturesque of environments.
In addition, these artists get the chance to showcase their work to a broader audience, and further their engagement with the international art world. They will be given the opportunity to feature their work through a group exhibition.
Primrose Hill, London
The view from Primrose Hill across London. From an original photograph I corrupted the digital file simplifying and saturating the output, With this piece I then worked in the processing programming language using data visualisation techniques on the digital version so this piece has a 24 hour rotation of colour based on the live daily sunrise and sunset .
Time-lapse video of 24 hour live cycle of sunrise to sunset over Primrose Hill
Tuscan Sunset, Italy
From an original photograph, corrupting the digital file to simplify and saturate the final canvas working to stimulate all senses to evoke a feeling of place instead of giving the eyes what they are used to seeing. This multi-sensory aspect creates a bond not only with the abstract image but memories of a place or time. I want to bring the bold wonder of colour and shape to wake up and involve us as a whole.
Night Shingle, India
Photo taken at night, corrupted in the same way as the above, but then removing aspects of the image to reveal the shine of the brushed aluminium, when walking around this artwork the viewer gets the sense of sparkles in the waves as they break at night. Again brining a full sensory aspect to the end piece.